Cornelivs Maximvs – How it all started

Reading and writing were hobbies that interested me from an early age and throughout the years I took notes of many stories that came to my mind. Another interest I have is computer games and also game modding and game development.

It is from the mix of these interests that the universe where Cornelivs lives was initially created, actually with a very different Captain and with a very different end result in mind. This post will look a bit into how the universe was created and how that eventually reached the book format.

It all started with my love for RTS games and my desire to make a science fiction game with my own factions in it (which is obviously far from reality, my lack of artistic skills is often a problem). I wrote faction descriptions and unit lists with their weapons and descriptions , it all started very simple.

Eventually, I started to think about the story that would be told during the campaign of that game and Captain Eltorv was the main character. A soldier with humble origins who served for several years in the Colonial Militias defending his planet, became an officer of the Imperial Guard and later ended up joining the famous Hawks Chapter of the Imperial Special Forces, just in time to participate in a war against the scrovens.

In a very cliché progression of that story, there were obviously some surprises beyond the mere presence of the scrovens, but that is something that will eventually be a part of a different series in the same universe, so I won’t speak more about the course of events.

I ended up leaving that piece fiction to gather dust for some years, until I decided to get into wargaming miniatures and the background I wrote for my force was ticking lots of the points that I had used in the story of Eltorv. I decided it made sense to join those two universes in one and that is how the book ended up coming into a real thing.

It all starts with small notes and then it just keeps growing, mostly organically, whenever I am truly inspired (writing inspired is great, lots of words written in a very small time, the typos however…), but obviously it takes some discipline to get past some blockers. Sometimes you know you want to get from A to B in your book, but the path is often the tricky part, some might not work, others might seem inadequate at first, but end up being pretty good.

That is all for this post, feel free to comment if you have faced similar situations for inspiration or dealing with blocks.

Published by danielsaramanho

An engineer with a passion for reading and writing, Daniel Saramanho has always dreamt about publishing his own book one day. With the Cornelivs Maximvs series he was able to fulfill this dream, with Renegades being published as the first book of the series, although more are planned to be published soon. The Green Scorpion is a significant part of the personality of Daniel and the symbol can be seen in many places, including the stories that he writes. The Scorpion is both a blessing and a curse, a physical marking that influenced his personality positively, forcing him to strive to accomplish more than would be expected. Sci-fi is a common topic in Daniel’s notebooks that serve as a base for the stories, but other series are in development, including a medieval fantasy series called Chronicles of Arleaf. Game modding is a hobby that Daniel has pursued for several years and the Veteran Mod for Dawn of War: Dark Crusade has been available for several years to prove that passion.

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